In the Basic Sale, every user can commit a maximum of about 100 USD worth of CRACK-MATIC LP Tokens. We calculate the maximum LP amount about 30 minutes before each IFO. The Basic Sale has no participation fee.
In the Unlimited Sale, there’s no limit to the amount of CRACK-MATIC LP Tokens you can commit. However, there’s a fee for participation: see below.
You can choose one or both at the same time! If you’re only committing a small amount, we recommend the Basic Sale first. Just remember you need a PollySwap Profile in order to participate.
There’s only a participation fee for the Unlimited Sale: there’s no fee for the Basic Sale.
The fee will start at 1%.
The 1% participation fee decreases in cliffs, based on the percentage of overflow from the “Unlimited” portion of the sale.
We burn it. The CRACK-MATIC LP tokens from the participation fee will be decomposed, then we use the MATIC portion to market buy the CRACK equivalent, then finally throw all of the CRACK into the weekly token burn.
You need to contribute a minimum of about 10 USD worth of CRACK-MATIC LP Tokens to either sale.
You can contribute to one or both, it doesn’t matter: only your overall contribution is counted for the achievement.